Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Asking questions

Every week I provide commentary on the readings and then end with one or more questions designed to help you think more deeply about those readings. The process of asking questions of the readings is very valuable and this month we’ll focus on this discipline, particularly with the standard who-what-when-where-why-how questions. 


  • Read all the Sunday scripture passages in your preferred translation. As always, note words, phrases, and questions that come up in your initial reading.
  • As you read, note any questions that pop up. They might be questions around a deeper understanding of the text (what a particular word means or how a metaphor would have been understood by the original audience). Or they might be questions about the application (how is this applied or why). 


  • Re-read the Gospel passage, looking for questions. See if you can challenge yourself to ask at least one Who question, at least one When question, etc. 
  • Pick one question that particularly seems to call to you and spend time dialoguing about it with God. Resist the urge to engage in study around the question. For example, if your question is, “What does a particular word mean?” resist getting out the dictionary (at least during your prayer time!). Instead, pray about the question and then listen for God’s response. 
  • Note or journal about the experience. Be sure to capture insights and emotions that come up. 
  • You may want to read my commentary on the Gospel passage or you may wish to save it for the end of the week.


  • Repeat with the Old Testament passage.


  • Repeat with the New Testament passage.


  • Look back over your notes or journaling from the week.
    • What stands out?
    • How have you come into contact with God through prayer?
    • How have you come to know Christ more deeply through this prayer?
    • What new questions have opened up?
    • What questions linger?


  • Think about the homily and how it enlightens and expands on your prayer experiences this week.
  • How will what you have learned affect your coming week? 
  • Is there some action you need to take or a concrete change you want to make?

I am indebted to the work of Michael and Norrisey’s book Prayer and Temperament for this approach.