Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Journaling

Maybe you already journal or maybe you haven’t journaled in a long time. Perhaps you think journaling doesn’t “work” for you. This month I invite you to develop or renew a journaling practice with a few different techniques and see how God speaks.

Some people like to journal on the computer but I am a huge fan of the old-fashioned pen and paper. I think there is something about the physicality of moving our bodies to write that facilitates the words. If you already have a journal, by all means, use it. If you don’t, pick up a cheap spiral notebook to use. It doesn’t have to be fancy or precious! But it should be a dedicated space.


  • Pick one of the passages and read it.
  • Freewrite about the passage. Decide before you start how many pages to do. If you don’t write much, a single page is a good place to start, but it should feel like a challenge. Begin to write your thoughts about the passage. The only rule is that, once you start writing, you can’t stop. Just keep writing whatever comes to mind until the space is filled.


  • Pick one of the passages and read it. You may wish to revisit the same passage or pick a new one.
  • Write out a dialog between you and God about the passage. What questions might you ask God? How might God reply?


  • Pick one of the passages and read it. You may wish to revisit the same passage or pick a new one.
  • Copy all or part of the passage into your journal.


  • Pick one of the passages and read it. You may wish to revisit the same passage or pick a new one.
  • Rewrite all or part of the passage as though it is addressed to you personally.


Reread your journaling from the week. How did God meet you in the written word? What insights were gained?