The Gospel According to Mark


There is some historical evidence that Peter is the main source for the gospel according to Mark. In the 2nd century, Justin Martyr made a reference to “Peter’s memoirs,” and he quotes a passage only found in the gospel of Mark. The 3rd century church historian Eusebius mentions a follower of Peter, named Mark, who recorded Peter’s memories. Mark was an incredibly common name but it’s possible this is the same John Mark who accompanied Paul on an early missionary journey.


Most scholars date this gospel between 65 and 70 AD. An intense persecution of Christians by Nero was happening during this time frame and Mark’s gospel makes numerous references to persecution as well as the value of suffering. It is widely accepted that Mark was the first gospel to be written down.

About the Gospel

A common word in this gospel is “immediately.” It is very fast-paced, and there is an urgency conveyed. The author invites us into the action and portrays Jesus as a man in the center of the action.


The theological themes in Mark include

  • The Paschal mystery – paradox of the Messiah who enters into his glorious reign only through the suffering of the cross
  • The cross as the secret of discipleship
  • A profoundly human jesus.
  • A Jesus that can only be understood in light of the cross.

Items of Note

Ending It is generally accepted that the current ending was added later, and that the original author ended it with an empty tomb on purpose.

Urgency Mark’s gospel compels the reader to make a choice and to make it now. The opening words declare who Jesus is and challenges us to either accept or reject that. And, for Mark, accepting it means entering into the suffering Jesus himself experienced. This is not a surface-level intellectual acceptance.

The “Messianic secret” Throughout the gospel, there are various acknowledgments of who Jesus is but Jesus will forbid anyone to proclaim it. Scholars refer to this as the “Messianic secret.” Why does Jesus seek to keep his identity under wraps? Because the people had expectations of what a Messiah should be and Jesus knows that he is not that kind of Messiah. No one will fully understand who Jesus is – and be ready to proclaim that – until the Cross.

Misunderstood Messiah Jesus’s friends and even his family constantly misunderstand who he is and what is about. The ones who call him Messiah don’t understand what it means to be a Messiah. And what it means is being so closely identified with Jesus that one walks the same path of suffering that he walked.


    • The Beginnings of Jesus’ Ministry [1: 1-15]
    • Transitional Summary [1:14-15]: after John’s arrest Jesus begins preaching the Gospel
    • Jesus Speaks and Acts with Authority [ 1:16-3:12]
    • Transitional Summary [3:6-12]: enemies conspire to destroy Jesus; great crowds surround him; demons are continually silenced
    • Jesus Encounters Widespread Disapproval [3:13-6:6]
    • Transitional Episode [6:1-6]: Jesus is rejected at Nazareth; he travels around other villages teaching
    • The Disciples Also Misunderstand Him [6:7-8:26]
    • Transitional Episode [8:22-26]: healing in stages of the blind man
    • Jesus Discusses His Death and Being His Follower [8:27-10:52]
    • Transitional Episode [10:46-52]: healing of blind Bartimaeus
    • Conflict in Jerusalem [11:1-12:44]
    • Transitional Episode [12:41-44]: the widow who gives all that she has
    • The End Times [13:1-14:11]
    • Transitional Episode [14:1-11]: the authorities seek Jesus’ life; a woman anoints Jesus; the authorities conspire with Judas
    • The Passion Narrative [14:12-16:8]
    • Concluding Episode [16:1-8]: the women discover the empty tomb, but out of fear tell no one.

From the article The Suffering Son Of Man: Mark’s Portrait Of Jesus by Philip A. Cunningham.