1st Sunday of Advent

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Season of Advent Click here for more information. Overview and Connections Today, the authors of the Jeremiah passage and Luke have inherited prophecies of something coming, something that once felt urgent, but now seems blunted by the passage of time. These readings speak of promises made but not READ MORE

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. Daniel 12:1-3 Background of the book V1 begins with “at that time,” so let’s situate this in the larger historical context. Chps 10-12 recount a vision of the Hellenistic wars. Alexander the Great died in 323 BC with no heir. A 30-year READ MORE

Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: A daily format for prayer

Maybe you already have a daily format for your prayer time. If not, or if you’re looking to change things up a bit, consider the following format: Begin by settling in to your prayer space and imagine how delighted God is that you have set aside this time on this day. Revel in that delight. READ MORE

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. 1 Kings 17:10-16 Background of the book Chps 17-19 are stories of Israel’s greatest prophet, Elijah. He began prophesying in the reign of Ahab, who was married to Jezebel, the de facto ruler of the kingdom and Elijah’s staunch enemy. Elijah means READ MORE

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. Question of the Day: How far are you from the kingdom of God? Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Background of the book The chapter just prior to this reading contained the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments. Christians generally look to these Ten Commandments as a basic READ MORE


Genre The book is classified among the prophetic literature and is included among the twelve minor prophets Author and Date The Hebrew which is rendered Malachi is simply the words “my messenger.” Rather than a name, it is a generic title of the person’s function: messenger. The book gives us little insight into the person. READ MORE

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. Jeremiah 31:7-9 Background of the book Earlier prophets had tried to get the people to mend their ways and return to God before disaster happened. Jeremiah’s message was different: disaster is now inevitable. Accept it and throw yourself on God’s mercy to READ MORE


The books Ezra and Nehemiah are closely related and often lumped together, “Ezra-Nehemiah.” Author and Date This is the last of the books originally written in Hebrew – written somewhere between 400-200BC. It was written after the return from the Babylonian exile. The people returned from exile with a renewed longing to know their story READ MORE

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. If you get the feeling with these readings that you’ve slipped into Holy Week, it may be because on Good Friday we read the same passages from Isaiah and Hebrews. As we near the end of the liturgical year, we get hints READ MORE