Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Asking questions

Every week I provide commentary on the readings and then end with one or more questions designed to help you think more deeply about those readings. The process of asking questions of the readings is very valuable and this month we’ll focus on this discipline, particularly with the standard who-what-when-where-why-how questions.  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday READ MORE

Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: “Transpose” the reading

St. Ignatius proposed a way of reading scripture that puts us in the text by imagining the scene and entering into it. This month is a technique somewhat opposite to that. Rather than imagining a world not our own, we instead re-imagine the text in our own world. For example, if we are reading a READ MORE

Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Summarize the passage

Every week in my commentary, I pick apart verses, phrases, and words. And sometimes I do so at great length! It can be helpful to dig into each individual part in an effort to understand the whole. The study method I suggest this month is to do the opposite of what my commentary does: rather READ MORE

Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Focusing on a single word

Sometimes studying the scripture passages leads us to a wide view, and we read all the passages over and over again to see what comes up. This next approach will narrow the focus significantly, inviting us to sit with a single word and dig into all it has to say. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday READ MORE

20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. Proverbs 9:1-6 Background of the book In this passage, the figure of Wisdom is laying out a banquet and inviting the simple (those who lack understanding) to come and partake. In this section from Proverbs, both wisdom and folly prepare banquets and READ MORE

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. 1 Kings 19:4-8 Background of the book Chapters 17-19 are stories of the greatest prophet Elijah. He began prophesying in the reign of Ahab who you can read about in 1 Kings 16:29-33. Ahab was an evil man and Elijah frequently stood READ MORE

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 Background of the book Exodus 1-15 tells the story of the flight of the Israelites from Egypt. The next few chapters cover their journey into the Sinai desert, and then the rest of the book is about their time READ MORE

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Ordinary Time Click here for more information. 2 Kings 4:42-44 Background of the book Chapters 4-8 contain ten legends about the Prophet Elisha, a miracle worker by all accounts. Today’s reading is a very short account from those legends where Elisha feeds a crowd of one hundred men with READ MORE