The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter Season See more information here It might be helpful to consider today’s readings more in “chronological” order: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Background of the book The end of the gospel reading will touch on the proclamation of the gospel, which is an important connection with the Acts reading. READ MORE
Second Sunday of Easter
Divine Mercy Sunday Today’s feast originates from St. Faustina Kowalska, a Polish mystic who had visions of the Lord in the 1930s. The feast culminates the Divine Mercy novena which began on Good Friday. In 2000, St. Faustina was canonized and Divine Mercy Sunday was instituted into the Roman calendar. It is also associated with READ MORE
The Resurrection of the Lord – The Mass of Easter Day
The Easter Season In 1969 the General Norms for the Liturgical Year was approved by Pope Paul VI which implemented the reforms of Vatican II. This is what those norms say about the Easter season: In summary, the whole 50 days of Easter is like one long Sunday when we sing Alleluia with all our READ MORE
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Although we are still technically in the season of Lent, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion shifts us into the unique time of Holy Week. Holy Thursday is traditionally the Chrism Mass, held by the bishop to consecrate all the sacramental oils used in the coming year. There READ MORE
5th Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34 Background of the book Verse 31 speaks of a “new covenant” – the only place this phrase is used in the Old Testament. Most scholars see the new covenant in this passage as being very similar to the one that came before it in Exodus 19-24. READ MORE
The content on this website is not intended to be a scholarly work, with all the proper attributions. When I started developing this content in 2018, my intent was to synthesize many different commentaries and points of view into a digestible format for a small group Bible study. I was not always (if ever!) careful READ MORE
The Greek word parable comes from para – alongside and bole – to cast. A parable is something (like an image or metaphor) “cast alongside” something else. Scholar C.H. Dodd says the definition of a parable is “a metaphor or simile drawn from nature or everyday life, arresting the hearer by its vividness or strangeness, READ MORE
4th Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent This is Laetare Sunday, rejoice! “Laetare” comes from the entrance antiphon from Isaiah 66:10: “Rejoice O Jerusalem.” Rejoicing might feel a little weird here in the middle of Lent. But I love this reminder that the season of Lent is preparing us for the joy of Easter, the READ MORE
Genre The book is classified among the prophetic literature, and is included among the twelve minor prophets Date Amos prophesied in the last half of the 700sBC – a time of unimaginable material prosperity for Israel. But also a time of social and political corruption. Themes
Name This book in the Latin Vulgate is titled “The Book of Wisdom.” In the Greek Septuagint, it is titled “The Wisdom of Solomon.” Genre This book is wisdom literature, which gives rules of proper conduct, usually in the form of maxims, pithy insights, and “words to live by.” Wisdom literature attempts to show the READ MORE