

Colossians was most likely written by a later disciple in the spirit of Paul.

Textual analysis of the book shows 34 words not used anywhere else in the New Testament, 28 of which do not appear anywhere in the undisputed letters of Paul. That, along with the absence of typical Paul-terms (like righteousness, to believe, law, and to save) are a strong argument against Paul as the author.


Generally dated between 70-80AD


To bolster the faith of the community and correct errors.

General Observations

Colossians is closely connected to the book of Ephesians. There are 15 words that appear in both books but nowhere else in the New Testament.

A chief feature of this book which stands in contrast to the undisputed Pauline letters is the concept of “church.” For Paul, “church was a specific and concrete local reality. For the Colossian community, “church” was a universal entity, a body of which Christ was the head. This shows the development of understanding in early ecclesiology.


  1. Opening 1:1-1:23
  2. Paul’s Ministry 1:24-2:15
  3. Life in the Body of Christ in Teaching 2:6-3:4
  4. Life in the Body of Christ in Practice 3:5-4:6
  5. Closing 4:7-18