Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Memorization

In many faith traditions, there is a huge emphasis placed on memorization of sacred texts. Jewish boys begin memorizing the Torah at an early age. Muslims memorize the Quran. In the faith tradition of my childhood, we were expected to memorize many, many verses of scripture. In early Catholic tradition, memorization was vitally necessary in cultures where few ever learned to read and texts were not widely available. The printing press was both gift and curse in this regard. Most of us now have at least one copy of the Bible on our bookshelves, but many people cannot cite particular verses.

This month I invite you to memorize one verse of scripture each week. A modest goal like this is much more preferable than trying to undertake several verses or a passage which may be an unrealistic aim.


  • Before you begin to read, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the verse that is right for you.
  • Read all the Sunday scripture passages in your preferred translation. As always, note words, phrases, and questions that come up in your initial reading.
  • As you read, be alert for a verse that seems to call to you. Choose one that seems right and commit to memorizing it this week.
  • The physical act of writing is often a helpful first step towards memorizing. There’s a reason why teachers used to make us write a line 100 times on the blackboard! Consider writing the verse on several sticky notes to place in strategic places. Other helpful memorization techniques include:
    • Imagine writing the verse on a piece of paper – try to visualize each word as it is written.
    • Say the verse out loud. 
    • Put a tune to the verse and sing it.
    • Go for a walk and say or sing the verse over and over again in time with your steps.
    • If the verse lends itself, imagine some visual aids such as a loaf of bread, a jug of water, a house, or a wedding party. 
    • Put the verse in your own words.

The rest of the week

  • Begin your prayer time each day by either reading or recalling the verse. Sit with it for a few moments and see what God might be speaking through this verse today.
  • Throughout the day, build in reminders to recite the verse; for instance, every time you walk through a door or get a glass of water or look into a mirror.


  • Reflect on the experience of memorizing and living with the verse this week. What have you learned through this experience? How have you come to know God more intimately through this experience?