Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Names of God

A common prayer practice in the East is known as the Jesus Prayer. It acknowledges the power of Jesus’ name as well as the benefits of repetition. Muslims reverence the name of God and list at least 99 versions of it as a way to explore different aspects of who God is.

Names of God are sprinkled throughout scripture and we could compile a list of hundreds of them. When Moses asked God for God’s name, God basically replied, “None of your business. I am who I am.” Perhaps God does not want to be caged into a single identity.

This month as you read and pray with the readings, see what names of God present themselves. Consider, for example, Jesus’ statement in John, “I am the bread of life.” This might suggest such names as Nourisher, The One Who Feeds Me, or Sustainer. Psalm 23 might evoke names such as The One Who Guides, Protector, or Vindicator.

You may find a name with powerful resonance that invites you to sit with it all week. Or you might explore a different one each day. Whatever approach God invites you to, spend time talking to God with that name. Consider this as well: In light of a particular name, what name might God give you? For example, if God is One Who Hears, are you One Who Is Heard?