Engaging More Deeply With Scripture: Summarize the passage

Every week in my commentary, I pick apart verses, phrases, and words. And sometimes I do so at great length! It can be helpful to dig into each individual part in an effort to understand the whole.

The study method I suggest this month is to do the opposite of what my commentary does: rather than break everything down, I encourage you to try and summarize it as succinctly as possible. If you were going to give a one-sentence summary of the passage, what would you say? 


  • Read all the Sunday scripture passages in your preferred translation. As always, note words, phrases, and questions that come up in your initial reading.


  • Re-read the Old Testament passage. It may be helpful to read it in multiple translations.
  • Summarize the essence of the passage into a single sentence. You can’t say everything there is to say about it; what’s the most important point in your opinion formed by your unique experience? There is no right or wrong summary. Your summary will depend largely on what the Spirit is speaking about to you right now.


  • Repeat with the New Testament passage.


  • Repeat with the Gospel passage.


  • Look over this week’s summaries. Does anything stand out? Are there any themes that might be important to pay attention to?
  • Consider sharing one or all of these summaries with someone else.


  • Think about the homily and how it enlightens and expands on your summaries from this week.
  • How will what you have learned affect your coming week? 
  • Is there some action you need to take or a concrete change you want to make?