
The content on this website is not intended to be a scholarly work, with all the proper attributions. When I started developing this content in 2018, my intent was to synthesize many different commentaries and points of view into a digestible format for a small group Bible study. I was not always (if ever!) careful in my notes to indicate direct quotations or the sources of ideas. In addition to that, many times I read things and store them away in my brain, only to have them surface later with the source long forgotten. All that to say this: I am sure there are quotes and unattributed ideas within all this content and be assured it is not my intention to plagiarize. And I apologize heartily to anyone whose ideas I have appropriated and made my own.

The following bibliography represents the contents of my bookshelves, and I regularly consult all of these books to compile my scripture commentaries.

College Study Bible: New American Bible. Saint Mary’s Press, 2007.

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, New International Version. Zondervan, 2016.

The Days of the Lord. Liturgical Press, 1993.

The Jewish Study Bible, Second Edition. Oxford University Press, 2014.

Living Liturgy. Liturgical Press.

The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. 5 volumes. Abingdon Press, 2006.

Bergant, Dianne, and Richard Fragomeni. Preaching the New Lectionary. Years A, B, C.. Liturgical Press, 1999.

Brown, Raymond. Christ in the Gospels of the Liturgical Year. Liturgical Press, 2008.

Brown, Raymond, S.S. The Gospel According to John (Anchor Bible). Doubleday, 1970.

Brown, Raymond. An Introduction to the New Testament. Doubleday, 1997.

Brown, Raymond, S.S., Joseph Fitzmyer, and Roland Murphy, editors. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Prentice Hall, 1990.

Byrne, Brendan. Romans (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1996.

Camille, Alice. This Transforming Word: Commentary on the Readings for Sundays and Feast Days. Years A, B, C. Acta Publications, 2014.

Collins, Raymond. First Corinthians (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1999.

Donahue, John, and Daniel Harrington. The Gospel of Mark (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2002.

Donahue, John. Hearing the Word of God: Reflections on the Sunday Readings. Years A, B, C.. Liturgical Press, 2002.

Fiore, Benjamin. The Pastoral Epistles: First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2009.

Fuller, Reginald. Preaching the New Lectionary: The Word of God for the Church Today. Liturgical Press, 1974.

Harrington, Daniel. The Gospel of Matthew (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1991.

Harrington, Wilfrid, O.P. Revelation (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1993.

Hartin, Patrick. James (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2003.

Healy, Mary. The Gospel of Mark (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture). Baker Academic, 2008.

Hensell, Fr. Eugene, OSB. A Reader’s Guide to the Gospel of Mark. Saint Meinrad, 2021.

Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Acts of the Apostles (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1992.

Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Gospel of Luke (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1991.

Karris, Robert. Luke: Artist and Theologian, Luke’s Passion Account as Literature. Paulist Press, 1985.

Lambrecht, Jan. Second Corinthians (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1999.

Levine, Amy-Jill and Marc Zvi Brettler. The Jewish Annotated New Testament, Second Edition. Oxford University Press, 2017.

MacDonald, Margaret. Colossians, Ephesians (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2000.

Matera, Frank. Galatians (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1992.

Mitchell, Alan. Hebrews (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2007

Moloney, Francis, S.D.B. The Gospel of John (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1998.

Painter, John. 1, 2, and 3 John (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2008.

Patella, Michale. The Gospel According to Luke (New Collegeville Bible Commentary. Liturgical Press, 2005.

Pilch, John. The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading Sunday by Sunday. Years A, B, C.. Liturgical Press, 2002.

Pilch, John. The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday. Years A, B, C.. Liturgical Press, 1996.

Pilch, John. The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm. Years A, B, C.. Liturgical Press, 2002.

Reid, Barbara E. Parables for Preachers. Years A, B, C.. Liturgical Press, 1999.

Richard, Earl. First and Second Thessalonians (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 1995.

Rotelle, John E., O.S.A., editor. Meditations on the Sunday Gospels. Years A, B, C. New City Press, 1996.

Stuhlmueller, Carroll, editor. The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology. Liturgical Press, 1996.

Throckmorton, Burton, Jr. Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels. 5th Edition. Thomas Nelson, 1992.

Thurston, Bonnie B., and Judith Ryan. Philippians & Philemon (Sacra Pagina). Liturgical Press, 2005.

Thurston, Bonnie Bowman. Preaching Mark. Fortress Press, 2002.

Wallace, James, CSsR, Robert Waznak, SS, and Guerric DeBona, OSB. Lift Up Your Hearts: Homilies and Reflections. Years A,B,C. Paulist Press, 2006.

Williams, Joel F. Other Followers of Jesus: Minor Characters as Major Figures in Mark’s Gospel. JSOT Press, 1994.

The many homilies given by the Paulist Fathers at the St. Thomas More Newman Center.


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