Feast of the Holy Family

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Christmas The Feast of the Holy Family seems to want to present us with a picture of an idyllic family that has probably never existed in the history of mankind. The fact is, relationships can be messy, all the more so when they are in the context of closely READ MORE

The Nativity of the Lord – Mass During the Day Year A

The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Christmas More information can be found here. Isaiah 52:7-10 The book of Isaiah is actually three “books,” each written during a different time in Israel’s history. Isaiah I: shape up or else; exile is coming 1-39Isaiah II: Book of Consolation, comfort in captivity 40-55 Deutero Isaiah (suffering servant songs)Isaiah READ MORE

The Season of Christmas

In 3rd century Rome, a pagan feast was introduced for December 25: sol invictus, “the invincible sun,” to celebrate the lengthening days after the winter solstice on the 21st. This feast was gradually co-opted by Christians to celebrate the Lord’s nativity. The Season of Christmas officially ends with the feast of the Baptism of the READ MORE