The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for Lent The season of Lent disrupts the liturgical year and the lectionary in many ways. Click here for more information on the season and its readings. Overview and Connections The first Sunday of Lent is always the reading of Jesus’ desert testing. The Old Testament reading speaks of ritual READ MORE
Tag: Lent
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Although we are still technically in the season of Lent, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion shifts us into the unique time of Holy Week. Holy Thursday is traditionally the Chrism Mass, held by the bishop to consecrate all the sacramental oils used in the coming year. There READ MORE
5th Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34 Background of the book Verse 31 speaks of a “new covenant” – the only place this phrase is used in the Old Testament. Most scholars see the new covenant in this passage as being very similar to the one that came before it in Exodus 19-24. READ MORE
4th Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent This is Laetare Sunday, rejoice! “Laetare” comes from the entrance antiphon from Isaiah 66:10: “Rejoice O Jerusalem.” Rejoicing might feel a little weird here in the middle of Lent. But I love this reminder that the season of Lent is preparing us for the joy of Easter, the READ MORE
3rd Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Exodus 20:1-17 Background of the book Today we read the “decalogue” – the ten words/dictums/commandments. These form the initial stipulation of God’s covenant with the nation of Israel. The commandments are arranged in two groups:1. Duties to God. Each commandment in this group contains the phrase “the LORD READ MORE
2nd Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Background of the book This is a hard story to grapple with. It invites us to ask hard questions. What are we to make out of a God who plays with a faithful servant who has done everything asked of him, almost as READ MORE
1st Sunday of Lent Year B
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Lent Genesis 9:8-15 Background of the book Genesis 6-9 tells the story of Noah and the flood, a story that pre-dates the Jewish people. This is the first covenant in the Bible, and it’s important to note that God makes it with all of humanity and every living creature. READ MORE
Palm Sunday
Moving from Lent into Holy Week Although we are still technically in the season of Lent, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion shifts us into the unique time of Holy Week. Holy Thursday is traditionally the Chrism Mass, held by the bishop to consecrate all the sacramental oils used in the coming year. Thursday evening READ MORE
Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Season of Lent Lent is intended to be a joyful walk toward Easter, a progression of the Church toward the summit of the liturgical year. The focus is on uncovering and rejecting everything that tarnishes or warps Christ’s image within us, all that keeps us from being closer to Christ. In this time, we READ MORE
Fourth Sunday of Lent
The Season of Lent Lent is intended to be a joyful walk toward Easter, a progression of the Church toward the summit of the liturgical year. The focus is on uncovering and rejecting everything that tarnishes or warps Christ’s image within us, all that keeps us from being closer to Christ. In this time, we READ MORE