The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter season Click here for more information. Today’s Readings Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension. Technically, Ascension happens 40 days after Easter which is always on a Thursday. But most dioceses in the US transfer the feast to Sunday. Ten days after Ascension is Pentecost – READ MORE
Tag: Year A
Sixth Sunday of Easter
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter season Click here for more information. Today’s Readings We are headed into the final stretch of the Easter season. Next week is Ascension, then Pentecost which closes out the season and transitions us back into Ordinary Time. The readings of Easter have taken us on a progression:2nd READ MORE
Fifth Sunday of Easter
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter season Click here for more information. Today’s Readings We continue the Easter season focus of the last 3 Sundays of Easter: putting faith into action. Themes for today include * Need to bridge tensions between conflicting views or groups within the church * Need to adapt apostolic READ MORE
Fourth Sunday of Easter
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter season Click here for more information. Today’s Reading and Feast The first three Sundays of Easter are focused on resurrection appearances – a reminder that Christ is still with us! Today marks a shift into a different emphasis: our ongoing mission in the world. Today is commonly READ MORE
Third Sunday of Easter
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter season Click here for more information. Today’s Reading and Feast Peter and Luke both evoke the theme of life as a journey. For the first three Sundays of Easter, the Gospel will focus on the resurrection and then the other three Sundays the Gospel speak to our READ MORE
Second Sunday of Easter
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Easter season Click here for more information. Today’s Reading and Feast This is Divine Mercy Sunday and it concludes the Octave of Easter. This is based on the devotion to the Divine Mercy that St. Faustina Kowalska reported as part of her encounter with Jesus in 1937. The READ MORE
Palm Sunday
Moving from Lent into Holy Week Although we are still technically in the season of Lent, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion shifts us into the unique time of Holy Week. Holy Thursday is traditionally the Chrism Mass, held by the bishop to consecrate all the sacramental oils used in the coming year. Thursday evening READ MORE
Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Season of Lent Lent is intended to be a joyful walk toward Easter, a progression of the Church toward the summit of the liturgical year. The focus is on uncovering and rejecting everything that tarnishes or warps Christ’s image within us, all that keeps us from being closer to Christ. In this time, we READ MORE
Fourth Sunday of Lent
The Season of Lent Lent is intended to be a joyful walk toward Easter, a progression of the Church toward the summit of the liturgical year. The focus is on uncovering and rejecting everything that tarnishes or warps Christ’s image within us, all that keeps us from being closer to Christ. In this time, we READ MORE
Third Sunday of Lent
The Season of Lent Lent is intended to be a joyful walk toward Easter, a progression of the Church toward the summit of the liturgical year. The focus is on uncovering and rejecting everything that tarnishes or warps Christ’s image within us, all that keeps us from being closer to Christ. In this time, we READ MORE