The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Season of Advent Click here for more information. Overview and Connections Last week we heard from the fiery character of John in the desert, calling us to a complete turn, a total transformation of life. Such deep-rooted change can feel overwhelming, so we are balanced this week by READ MORE
Tag: Year C
2nd Sunday of Advent
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Season of Advent Click here for more information. Overview and Connections Last Sunday focused on Christ’s future second coming. Today we shift to the past, when John the Baptist heralded Christ’s first coming. And this first coming is not limited to the nativity, as the season might suggest, READ MORE
1st Sunday of Advent
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation for the Season of Advent Click here for more information. Overview and Connections Today, the authors of the Jeremiah passage and Luke have inherited prophecies of something coming, something that once felt urgent, but now seems blunted by the passage of time. These readings speak of promises made but not READ MORE
The Resurrection of the Lord – The Mass of Easter Day
The Easter Season In 1969 the General Norms for the Liturgical Year was approved by Pope Paul VI which implemented the reforms of Vatican II. This is what those norms say about the Easter season: In summary, the whole 50 days of Easter is like one long Sunday when we sing Alleluia with all our READ MORE
Feast of the Holy Family
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Christmas The Feast of the Holy Family seems to want to present us with a picture of an idyllic family that has probably never existed in the history of mankind. The fact is, relationships can be messy, all the more so when they are in the context of closely READ MORE
The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord
The Lectionary and Scripture Interpretation during Christmas More information can be found here. Today’s Readings and Feast January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany, but most dioceses in the United States transfer it to the Sunday between January 2 and 8. The Baptism of the Lord is usually on the Sunday after Epiphany. But READ MORE